
A string is a text (collection if character), other than a char array (e.g. char[10]) is the size of a string dynamic.

You can define a string either in double quotation marks ("This is a string") or in single quotation marks ('This is also a string').
More about that at string literals.



This method creates a char[] from the string.


let str: String = "Hello World!"; let charArray: char[12] = str.toCharArray;
While compiling, this method is just removed, meaning that the ABAP code look something like: charArray = str.
That means it is never checked, that the string fits into the char array.

Range Operations

With range operations, you can get a string slice or single character out of a string.

You give it the start and end index.

let str = "Hello World!"; let world = str[6..11]; let world2 = str[6..^2]; let w = str[6];